Yumm Festival Kirchberg
Within the festival zone, visitors are free to move around the various foodtrucks.
Call for application for the Foodtrucks is open until March 1st! Click here
We are very happy to announce that the third YUMM Festival Kirchberg event will take place from 3-5 May 2024 on Place de l’Europe, the entrance to the Kirchberg district.
This public festival is a concept unique to Luxembourg: food trucks from all over Europe will invite visitors to discover their culinary specialities.
Place de l’Europe
The Place de l’Europe is a highly symbolic area in Luxembourg as it celebrates that some of the European Institutions are based in this country. This area is surrounded by major buildings such as the Philharmonie Luxembourg, the Alcide De Gasperi Building, the European Conference Center Luxembourg, the MUDAM Museum of Modern Art and the Musée Dräi Eechelen Fortress. It therefore represents the perfect fusion of Luxembourg’s economic and cultural diversity. The Place de l’Europe stands witness to both Luxembourg’s heritage and a modern vision of our society and openness to the world.